November 2023 Building permits have been issued
and rebuilding began November 22, 2023. This took eleven months of
hard dedicated work and hundreds of hours by the Board, working
with multiple government agencies, general contractors, engineers,
attorneys, CPA, and the bank. The Board is expecting an early 2024
finish (possibly by the end of February) if there are no complications
delaying the project

September 5th, 2023 Flood Update

From: Chen-hsuan Hsieh <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: Sunny Glen Senior Community – Storm Water Mitigation
To: Mark Ballock <[email protected]>
CC: Robin Bartlett <[email protected]>


Thank you for your recent inquiry on the status of activities related to flooding hazards in the Sunny Glen area. City staff is continuing to work in several areas simultaneously with an eye toward what improvements can be made in the short, medium and long term. This includes:

  • Continued maintenance items along the creek which includes the normal debris removal and vegetation trimming as well as some enhanced activities to remove storm debris from the last winter and ensuring that areas that are subject to private maintenance received the appropriate level of maintenance. These later areas include the San Ramon Golf Course and the Ivy Park Senior Living Community. This work is on-going.
  • Staff is conducting a video inspection of the drain lines that run from Craydon Circle to the Amador Lakes development in Dublin. Staff will coordinate with the City of Dublin to have any observed obstructions removed.
  • Staff has received and reviewed plans provided from the City of Dublin for the Amador Lakes Development that confirm that the wall is located on private property in Dublin. As such direct actions by the City to enhance drainage capacity are limited. However, staff continues to explore options and as additional data becomes available from the analysis discussed below we will evaluate possibilities to improve the drainage.
  • City staff is also coordinating with the Zone 7 Water Agency and is participating in their study of the watershed to more fully understand flood risks and possible mitigations that may be undertaken. This effort will also inform issues that relate to enhancing drainage at the end of Craydon Circle and could provide additional information needed to improve the design of that drainage. The study is expected to take at least 2 years to complete. The conclusion of the study may suggest capital improvement projects that involve reducing peak storm flows and flood risks.
  • Another long term effort that is being undertake has been to inform FEMA of discrepancies in their flood maps between what is shown in San Ramon and Dublin and request that these be evaluated. This may provide for better maps as well as provide insights into possible improvements.

While all of these efforts continue, we urge residents to obtain flood insurance. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security. Floods can occur in back-to-back years. Many homes in the area have been mapped by FEMA as having a 1% chance per year, or higher, of occurring in any given year – even with all of the maintenance activities that the City conducts. Residents in San Ramon receive a 20% reduction in rates based on San Ramon’s participation in the Community Rating System.



Chen-hsuan (Shane) Hsieh, P.E. |Senior Civil Engineer |City of San Ramon | Public Works – Engineering7000 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583 | www.SanRamon.ca.gov
T: 925.973.2681 | M: 925.733.5410 | Dept. Line: 925.973.2670 | E: [email protected] 

August 2nd – We received a letter from the townhouse HOA board lawyer that questioned our process for establishing the special assessment. Upon reviewing the questions with our lawyer, we will now be sending out information to our owners which asks them to vote on the assessment. Our contractor ( who planned to start August 1st) has been put on hold until we obtain a majority approval from the members who vote. Please refer to our August Board meeting minutes.

July 12th –     Carlos Carazo sent the following inquiry to Shane Hsieh. Senior Civil Engineer |City of San Ramon | Public Works – Engineering

As you recall we met at the Alcosta Senior Center after the devastating flood of Jan 2022 that severely impacted the Sunny Glen community. Along with FEMA and other San Ramon officials in attendance there was a general understanding to address some of the vegetation/ debris concerns that exist in this creek that may have a direct impact on high water flow.

RESPONSE:The City is working hard with our own maintenance crew and a contractor to maintain the section of South San Ramon Creek within the City’s drainage easement, which generally goes from its upstream end at Montevideo School Park to upstream of San Ramon Golf Club, and the culvert at Alcosta Boulevard. We are also urging San Ramon Golf Club and Ivy Park (formerly Villa San Ramon) to maintain their creek sections before the rainy season. Please let me know if you have any particular locations in mind that needs attention. We’d be happy to meet you there to discuss.

July 13th – Carlos responded:-  Please allow me to comment. “Urging” Ivy Park to take definitive action on what is characterized as “their section” of the creek sounds really sketchy and not a really comforting because I can assure you that IVY Park has no intention to mitigate any potential impact of flood in what is perceived as “their section”. I can be mistaken of Ivy Park’s plan and if you have any documentation to support Ivy’s master plan then please share so that we at Sunny Glen HOA can share with our community but “urging” is not a plan. Thank you

RESPONSE: – Villa San Ramon, the former owner of the property, signed an agreement with the City in 1986 for the maintenance responsibility of South San Ramon Creek (see attached). I am sending an email today to Oakmont Management Group, owner of Ivy Park, and copying to the City’s Code Enforcement Officer, to reiterate this responsibility. If Oakmont does not act immediately, it becomes a code enforcement issue, and the City may also consider taking on the maintenance work and seek reimbursement from Oakmont.

   Attached was a copy of the contract between Villa San Ramon and the city of San Ramon. Click to see contract here.


July 9th I thought some folks would like to see a photo of some rooms in the clubhouse. Carlos had offered to give you a tour if you are interested….not pretty!



July 5th Board Meeting announced that the construction work contract info would be posted onto the web. The information is located in the Financial tab area – to be protected.


June 12, 2023 Special Assessment Letter mailed to members… click here


This is a Square link to pay your $1700 assessment via credit card. Click on the link address and open the secure payment site.



June 8,2023 – A contract was signed with LB Construction and Finest Heating & Air. An assessment notification will be sent out to all owners shortly. We are setting up a credit card option with our Banking partner to allow owners to pay over their own time schedule. The assessment payment will be held in a separate bank account used only for the Clubhouse rebuild. The June HOA Board meeting minutes are posted for background information.


June 1, 2023 – All paperwork has been submitted for the SBA loan. Thank you Marianne.


April 5, 2023 – due diligence for the SBA loan has discovered an issue with some prior incorrect tax filings for Sunny Glen. The Board is hiring a CPA firm to review/correct the tax files. The SBA folks have given us a 6 month extension to provide them the necessary paperwork.


March 17, 2023 – The SBA loan has been filed along with several supporting documents.  There will be more to do on this loan, but for now we’re good.


March 11, 2023 – At our Special HOA meeting on March 9th, 48 members were present and all voted in favor of applying for the SBA loan. The deadline for the application is March 15th. Minutes from this meeting are posted in member section.


March 9, 2023 – Website explaining what to expect for FEMA home inspections.



March 8,2023 Sunny Glen Special HOA meeting on March 9th @ 7pm in the San Ramon Senior Center, 9300 Alcosta Blvd. There will be a vote on the application for an SBA loan to rebuild and repair the club house. The loan request is for $275,000, 30 year fixed rate at 2.375%. No payments for the first year. Payment begin in 2024 in the amount of $1069.00 per month. the annual cost per property is $56.00


March 7, 2023 update

Contra Costa County

Profile photo

Community and Media Relations Specialist Glenn Kimball

Contra Costa County Communications Office Message…

Please be prepared and keep safe! An atmospheric river is forecasted to bring heavy rain to the region later this week. A National Weather Service Flood Watch will go into effect from Thursday afternoon until Sunday morning. Now is the time to clear drains/gutters, check trees/limbs and look for trouble spots. If you are concerned about flooding, visit https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/Sandbags to find your nearest sandbag station. Sand and sandbags are free. Please bring a shovel. To report a service issue, such as a clogged catch basin or drainage inlet, in unincorporated Contra Costa County, please call the Public Works Maintenance Division at 925-313-7000 during work hours and after-hours call Sheriff’s Dispatch at 925-646-2441. To learn how to report service issues from your mobile device using our free Mobile Citizen App, visit: https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/MobileCitizen. Register for emergency alerts via cell phone, email, and landline with the Contra Costa County Community Warning System at https://cwsalerts.com/. Follow us on Twitter at @CCCounty http://www.twitter.com/cccounty for more updates (you can see posts without a login).


2/14/2023 – FEMA is also opening a Disaster Recovery Center in Danville. The Center will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. starting Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 510 Gonda Way in Danville. The Center is expected to remain open as needed through March 1.


2/10/2023 FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Opening in Dublin

Please Note: Application Deadline is March 15th !

FEMA’s Alameda County Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) will open on Friday, February 10 in Dublin at Alameda County Public Works (4825 Gleason Dr., Dublin, 94568).

Residents from any jurisdiction can visit and receive the same level of support, including information regarding the FEMA registration process, SBA support, and mitigation information.

The DRC will be open in Dublin for two weeks (Friday, February 10–Friday, February 24) from 10 a.m.–7 p.m. daily.


2/3/2023 Contra Costa County has been approved for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Individual Aid (IA) to eligible individuals and households who sustained losses due to the January storms. You can apply through www.disasterassistance.gov, the FEMA mobile app, or by calling 1-800-621-3362. See more information in Storm Response 2023 Disaster FAQs: https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=4268. Register to get emergency alerts via cell phone, email, and landline with the Contra Costa County Community Warning System at https://cwsalerts.com/. On this website, click on “Know Your Zone” to learn in advance what evacuation zone you’re in. Follow us on Twitter at @CCCounty http://www.twitter.com/cccounty for more updates (you can see posts without a login).


2/2/2023 Important SPECIAL MEETING with SUNNY GLEN and the City of San Ramon

When: Thursday, February 9, 2023

Where: San Ramon Senior Center, Vista Grande Room, 9300 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon

Topics to be covered: Opportunity for residents to ask questions related to the flood event on December 31, 2022; Hydrology conditions of the area ( movement of water.); The wall at the end of Craydon Circle dividing the flood plain; Emergency preparedness for residents of Sunny Glen; Emergency gate (on Craydon Circle) use and how it gets opened in an emergency; Permit application process for home repairs: Update on FEMA assistance.


2/1/2023 – We got clearance today on the Clubhouse asbestos abatement. It was tested yesterday, and has a clear air certification. ServPro will come back and certify that the building is dry and may need blowers in the wall voids.

Step one is almost complete. Step two will be getting contractor bids this month for the entire project and broken down into phases. This will include heaters and solar pool panels in phase one.


1/26/2023 The San Ramon Chamber of Commerce provided an incorrect phone number that’s a hotline for seniors.

1/25/2023 Contra Costa County Storm Damage Survey for Private Properties and Businesses. Following recent storms, Contra Costa County is requesting information from residents or businesses who experienced damage to their private property or business, in order to determine if the County will qualify for individual and Small Business Administration (SBA) aid. Residents and businesses can learn more and report damage here: https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/9761/Storm-Response-2023-Disaster-Recovery-FA

Direct link to Contra Costa County’s Storm Damage Survey: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=SpDe8f18BkSyfgUlMVZzvYBFGVQqbUNAvgk1ZXhCmW9URU5aMTg2WVhLUlpKOFhaVTRONkk3UkZDRSQlQCN0PWcu

Contra Costa County, CA Official Website | Official Website



1/23/23 KTVU News Story on our Condo Flood:




Frequently Asked Flood Related Questions: click here

San Ramon City Flood Response: click here

December 31, 2022 our Sunny Glen Senior Community suffered a devastating flood due to heavy relentless rain (5 1/2” in one day).


The Clubhouse experienced severe damage throughout the facility. Servpro was brought in Monday January 2nd to extract mud and water from the Clubhouse building and removal of the damaged contents. An asbestos testing company was brought in to test the building for asbestos and lead due to the age of the building. The results came back positive with asbestos in the floors and in the wall board compound coating. This will need to be remediated before repairs can be done. To protect the health of our community members and the public, the building has been closed for the foreseeable future. 

The emergency gate will remain open out of an abundance of caution. We are expecting more heavy rain in the coming days and if there should be additional flooding it’s advisable not to enter the floodwaters as there are health  dangers in the water and under the water. The fire department and San Ramon Police will handle flood evacuations if necessary. Please wait for their directions in case emergency evacuations are necessary.

We will be posting updates weekly here. 

Asbestos Report – click here

Asbestos Remediation Report/Estimate – click here

1/18/23 All the furniture is now stored into 3 storage cubes. Asbestos removal has started and is expected to continue until the end of January.

12/31/2022 FLOOD